Hello World!
Over the next few weeks I plan to post about some fun technology and projects I have been working with and playing with in my spare time. This blog will also be an excuse for me to test out new things and try to keep them as cheap as possible since this is all hosted on my own AWS account.
How do I run this blog?
For simplified hosting and security, this site is created using the Static Site Generator Hugo, allowing me to host the files with S3 and CloudFront. This removes any burden of running and maintaining servers. I also have a endpoint at https://api.pwed.me/ where I experiment with various uses of API Gateway and Lambda.
How do I maintain this site?
The entire infrastructure is created and maintained using AWS CDK written in TypeScript. This means that all changes I make are documetned and reproducable. In future I plan to utilise CDK Pipelines to automate updates.